Flow Equalization Tank

Conduit for EQ pump station

Laying out new steel flooring for new EQ tank

Laying out new steel flooring for new EQ tank

In slab rebar, piping and conduits at Equalization Tank.

Laying steel for Equalizer Tank

In slab rebar, piping and conduits at Equalization Tank.

Yard piping, fitting pipe to new Equalization Tank.

The process of erecting a scaffold over the Equalization Tank before sandblasting in preparation of recoating. A canopy was draped over the entire tank to prevent lead from escaping during sandblasting.

Draping being set up for the 10.5 milling gallon Equalization Tank.

Ring wall for the new Flow Equalization Tank taken April 2, 2013.

Pouring concrete at the flow equalization tank ring wall. There are four separate pours to allow for shifting and elasticity without cracking.

Pouring concrete at the flow equalization tank ring wall. There are four separate pours to allow for shifting and elasticity without cracking.

Pouring concrete at the flow equalization tank ring wall. There are four separate pours to allow for shifting and elasticity without cracking.

Tying rebar for the 700,000 gallon flow equalization tank which is circular.

Layout of the ring wall in preparation for pouring concrete.

Laying out the pad for the flow equalization tank

Raw sewage pipeline under equalization storage tank #2

Raw sewage pipeline under flow Equalization tank being encased in concrete.

EQ Tank #1 covered for interior sand blasting and coating.

The new blowers located on the first floor of the Equipment Building.

EQ Tank #2 pump building fascia complete

Farr West Insulation started work on the aeration pipe in the Equipment Building.

Conduit runs in the lower floor of the Equipment Building to Reactor #2 Tank

Equalization tanks balance critical factors during treatment so the biological processes function with maximum efficiency

EQ-tank-deck-and-railing Installing aluminum deck and rail at EQ Tank No. 2

Controls flow and pumps wastewater into the EQ tanks

The new EQ tank can process 750,000 gallons of wastewater per day. Combined with the old tank, the plant can process about 1 million gallons of wastewater.

Influent and effluent piping at EQ Tank #2

EQ Tank #2

Forming for new equalization tank housekeeping pad at MCC

The installation of EQ Tank #1 equipment. Jeffco cleaned up the coating.

Scaffolding for exterior painting of equalization tank #2

Construction of equalization tank #2

The electrical housekeeping pad extension at equalization tank

New concrete pads for EQ tank 1 aeration blowers

New MCC and electrical panels in the Equipment Building

Farr West Insulation started work on the aeration pipe in the Equipment Building.

The installation of double backflow preventer at EQB

6" and æ" double backflow preventers at EQB

Tent over the existing equalization tank which was then sandblasted and painted

View of new Membrane Building with existing reaction basin number 2 in foreground

Installing aluminum deck and rail at EQ Tank No. 2

Preparing to install EQ tank No. 2 aeration & mixers

Rotary lobe pump at EQ #2 pump station

Repairs to steel at EQ Basin #1 required new siding